Zach was in bed for three months and a week of that was spent in a coma. Once he woke from that coma, he had to go through extensive rehab. Since most of his muscle was gone, he needed to learn how to walk. Through all this he never lost his faith and lived a completely normal life. He played sports, ran 5k's and gave talks.
"The main reasons I decided to play football were to inspire people and to prove that anything is possible. I want to teach people how to truly live without fear or regrets," said Zach.
Seven years later, Zach studies at the University of Maryland and manages the men's basketball team. Everything was going great, until about a week ago when he went in to get some tests done. Doctors found a new brain tumor, and a day later he was in the hospital getting surgery. His attitude was so positive and upbeat. He tweeted saying "Another opportunity to prove myself worthy of this life.
Three days later he was out of the hospital....and on the UMD basketball court managing the game against Virginia Tech. The Maryland Men's team has helped and supported him through it all. When they played Miami recently, the coaches wore white tennis shoes in honor of Zach and his battle.
"Zaching" has been a way for everyone to show their support for him. So many people have taken pictures "Zaching" and sent them to him. From college athletes, to professional athletes like Middle- Weight Champion, Franchon Crews. From Marines, to young kids, and older kids. From doctors, to even movie stars. Craig Robinson (from The Office, Hottub Time Machine, and Last Comic Standing) and Stephen Kramer Glickman ("Gustavo" from Big Time Rush) have showed their support of Zach and his fight.
"If there is one thing that I would like for people to take from my story, it is to always keep a positive attitude and to continue to reach for their dreams regardless of any setbacks they may encounter," Zach says.
E. Zalucki '12