Stop At Nothing

Mount de Sales students have supported a group known as Invisible Children for the past three years. The nonprofit organization, which is based out of San Diego, California, presented a new film and campaign, KONY 2012,that aims to make Joseph Kony famous. Kony is the world’s worst war criminal. The campaign is not a way to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest. With more than 100 million views in six days, the 30-minute documentary about Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony, has become the most viral video in history, according to one researcher.

“After watching the movie, I felt inspired and determined especially after having the Invisible Children Roadies talk to us last year. I even started thinking about becoming a Roadie once I turn 18, and now I’m definitely going to,” said senior Nicole Teodosio.

The organization is putting together an event called “Cover the Night.” This event is on April 20th, the same night as the junior/senior prom. Many students are  interested in being a part of this event and ar trying to get a group together after prom to join in this movement against Joseph Kony.

"A bunch of littles can make a big difference," said Jason Russell, one of the founders of Invisible Children, in their film Kony 2012.

Invisible Children wants Kony to be famous so that when he is stopped, he will be a visible. Then other war criminals will know that their mass atrocities will not go unnoticed or unpunished.

To watch the video, click this link:

A. Robertson '12