Purple Reign

The Baltimore Ravens had an exciting season with an undefeated record at home, and the title of Divison Champions for the AFC North. Baltimore fans, and football fans across the nation, are anticipating the Ravens-Texans match-up scheduled for Sunday, January 15.

 Students at Mount de Sales got pumped up for Sunday's game by having Purple Friday on January 13. The girls were high energy all day, and seniors Emily Sipes and Angela Shipley (above) ran around acting like the players they sported on their jerseys.

"Being at school with everyone in their purple gear made me even more excited for the game on Sunday. I am so hoping for a Ravens Superbowl this year," said junior Lauren Sprankle.

"I love being so proud of my home team, and seeing Ravens jerseys everywhere I turn when it's Purple Friday at school," said senior Angela Shipley. With emotions high at Mount de Sales Academy, and all over Baltimore, it's clear that here--Purple Reigns.

M. Lawrence '12