Each homeroom participated in the annual door-decorating contest in order to win spirit points for their class. On Monday, December 5th, the girls raced to decorate their doors in a Christmas theme. Door ideas included Santa’s sleigh, Christmas trees, snowmen, and even Charlie Brown.
“It was a really fun way to win spirit points, and it brought our homerooms together,” said senior Emily Ordakowski.
In Mrs. Tracey’s homeroom, pictures of students' faces were put on reindeer's bodies, and Mrs. Tracey’s face was put on Santa’s body. Each girl had written their favorite Christmas memory and they stacked them to look like presents piling up on a sleigh.
“We weren’t sure what to expect when we had talked about our ideas for the door, but it turned out way better than we all thought,” said senior Gina Salacki.
Kelsey Kirby ‘12